Monday, August 4, 2008

Turning over a new leaf

Well I think this is it. I won't say I'm 'fully' moving to 6-max, that is I won't be playing strictly 6-max games from now on, but I can definitely say the majority of my play will be there.

Some of the issues that held me back were the increased tilt factor, my actual skill set, and whether or not it would actually be worthwhile in terms of hourly rate and fpp accumulation (which are one and the same, I guess).

I don't think the tilt and skill factors will really be a problem. I'll be in a constant state of progression with both, and I'll need to improve upon both in order to progress and move up, so why not take the harder, faster road?

My hourly rate is the other factor, and I'm still not %100 certain on this, but I think it will actually be another non-issue. I initially thought that playing half the tables I normally do at FR would kill my hourly rate in 6-max, but the combination of the higher-than-expected winrate I think I can achieve and the higher number of hands played per hour pretty much nullify that, if not overpower it. The FPPs also come in quicker due to the higher hands/hr.

I'm not sure what it is, but I just love playing a more aggressive game. I've gone so far on some tables as to reach stats that would be considered lag for a heads-up match. Profitably. I love it though - you can squeek out so much more value from spots I'd never ever bother to in a full-ring game.

Anyways even with several big mistakes (and bad beats) in this month's 6-max venture, I'm still running really really well. I really have no idea what my sustainable winrate is going to look like, but I guess the only way to find out is to grind out more hands. My guess is that it's going to be a LOT higher than my full ring rate...

First sweat

So I finally had my first coaching session with Stosh today. He's an awesome guy and I'm very happy I bought up some hours from him. We started off trying to set up a screen-sharing program, but his PC kept bugging out and quitting skype or just crashing. Eventually we got everything working, and he extended our session to like 90 minutes instead of an hour because of the problems we were having earlier.

I (we) ran like shit during the actual session, which was kind of balls. I think I dropped a couple buyins or something like that, but felt I played well. He touched on a few things he thought I could improve on, but overall what helped most was his 'in-between' chat about just general poker stuff. We talked about table selection, general strategy, tilt control, his experiences, books (Tommy Angelo's book wtf I have to pick it up already), and of course general strategy.

It's a little hard gauging how much the hour was worth, or rather if the $200 I payed was worth it. I honestly feel like what I got wasn't worth it, but at the same time I know this whole experience will be worth way more than the $800 total I paid him. I dunno, a little hard to explain. How about this...if he asks me to give some feedback on his coaching, I'll definitely say I'm a satisfied customer. Well that is if the next three hours go as well as this first hour went of course.

So, I've got like 100 vpps to clear in order to unlock my $650 bonus, so I guess I'll do that before I get to bed.

1 comment:

WVHillbilly said...

Glad to hear coaching is going well and you feel your getting your $$ worth.

As for Elements of Poker, get it now. Seriously it's one of the best non-poker poker books you'll read. I picked it up a month ago based on a blog post by FPaulsson and I feel it's really helped my mental game.