Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday juice

There must be something in the air - I actually ran well on a Sunday!

I really didn't play much and don't have much aside from the graph below to update you with, but I played well and got rewarded for it. I think there were maybe two significant mistakes I made today, both of which were close decisions, so I'm happy.

The huge spike is from a record hand in terms of BBs won (fyi the CO had posted out of turn here):

I'm ripping through HoC and so far it's great. Like I mentioned before, I really don't have much knowledge on commitedness aside from the info from stoxpoker videos. Don't get me wrong - their videos are great - but the way Harrington lays it out really hits you and makes you understand it fully. I may actually be reading through it too fast. I think I'm going to go back, reread what I'm already done and take simple notes so I can really drill this stuff in my head.

Hope everyone's getting their Sunday juice on. Plenty of guppies around in the rings and the big Sunday tourneys.

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